Saturday, November 10, 2007

Kids Photo Books

Here is another picture. I'm trying to see if I can get it to be bigger. I wont know until after I publish it. Oh to have someone do this right. Anyway, these are the children's "photo books" we sent them introducing ourselves. They were about 45 pages long. We had a picture of each room in the house, each pet, every family member, coming down our street, the exterior of the house, things we did as a family and things around our area, parks, pools etc. When we talk to the children they ask us questions about the pictures and we tell them about what they are looking at. The children are in separate foster homes (except Gabriel and Jayson are together) so we've gotten to know their foster moms very well. Their names are Ruth, Alice and Wendy
(I share their names so that you can pray for them specifically). They have been a God sent for me and the children. They have given them a stable christian environment for over a year and have cared for them greatly.


Tonya said...

Great pictures:). I'm so glad to see them. And congrats to the girls on their science fair wins!:)

Burt and Kim Streater said...

Hey Lady,
Hows your family doing? We've been buisy but I got my tree up. Well its fake and very little was done this year but I'm so happy I've decorated. Talk to you soon.