Friday, February 8, 2008

We're Going to Pick Up our Kids

The time has come for us to add to our family. God has been by our sides this whole way. At times I know we didnt realize that but looking back we can see it now. I'm leaving this Sunday 10th and will be back Mon.18th with our new precious children. Burt will be joining me with the girls on Wed. Please pray that everyone does well both physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritual. My prayer is that all my children's hearts will have peace and security. That they will not be afraid and that God will turn their hearts towards us. I've shared this with many of you but I am still in awe that out of the millions of children in the world God has chosen these children to be apart of our family. As with our bio children, He picked them and only them for us. WOW, I feel so honored and humbled. The journey that started 3 years ago has come to pass. We had no idea in the beginning that this is where God wanted us. Thank you all for your constant prayers and support. We are truely blessed.


Lovingmyamazinglife said...

Oh Yeh!!!!!I can't wait for an update.This is so wonderful.

Tonya said...

Oh I am SOOOOOOO escited for you !!!! Can't wait for an update!:):):)

Dana said...

We have been praying for your family and are so happy for you and those precious children. Praise the Lord!!! He is faithful!!!

Anonymous said...

I am so happy for all of you. God is soooo faithful! Your obedience to His word will bring many blessings upon your family.