Yes, we've made it back with our new family and we've been home a week. I went out to WA Sunday February 10th and Burt and the girls joined me on Wed. the 13th. What a wonderful Valentine's Day we'll never forget. I took us 3 planes to bet back but the kids did fantastic. We looked like little ducks all in a row following Burt in the different airports. Sorry its taken so long to write but time sure flies when you're having fun. The children are settling in and learning a lot, as we all are. I want to thank many wonderful friends and family members who have helped in so many ways. The house decorating, food, clothes, goodies & gifts, words of encouragement and taking the big girls to different activities has all been a wonderful blessing. I just pray that I've expressed how truly grateful I am to each and everyone. Several friends are planning a "Homecoming Party" for everyone to meet and greet the new children on Sunday April 6th. Details to follow later. We hope to see many of you there. Burt and I thank you all from the bottom of our hearts.
wooohooo!!!!! I'm the first one to comment! :)
PTL for a safe & wonderful arrival!!
I can't wait to meet every single one of them!!!!!!
I can't believe their finally here!What a wonderful story this has been to follow,and I look forward to years of updates on your new expanded family.God Bless
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