Tuesday, January 1, 2008

Why We are Called

Why adopt?......"Don't you have 3 children already???" "Are you crazy?" Well, let me start first by saying......"No, we're not crazy!" We are very content as a family of 5 but feel that God is leading us to open up our hearts and our home to more "little ones" who need a home, love, security and a family to call their own. We have been truly blessed and are being led to share those blessings with other in need. The Old Testament has many scriptures that show God’s concern and compassion for orphans. Adoption is the most loving and permanent way to care for these little ones. Psalm 68:5-6a says about God, “A father to the fatherless, a defender of widows, is God in His holy dwelling. God sets the lonely in families...” " We are called by God to look after widows and orphans in their time of distress." (James 1:27) When we adopt we demonstrate LOVE to the watching world. We can show love, not in words, but in actions. Adoption is sometimes expensive and definatley exhausting. It is inconvenient! Plus, it lasts a lifetime! Why would we do this? Very simple: “We love because He first loved us.” (1 John 4:19). I am reminded of a story I've heard....
A man was once walking on the beach and saw a boy picking things up and throwing them into the ocean. As he got closer, he noticed the boy was throwing starfish back into the sea one by one. There were hundreds of starfish surrounding him, and looking up the coast there were infinite more starfish on the shore. The man asked, "What are you doing?" "Helping the starfish," he responded. "But there are hundreds of thousands, maybe millions of starfish that have been washed ashore along the coastline. You can't really believe that by throwing back a few hundred starfish in the ocean, that you're really going to make a substantial difference, do you?" The boy turned to the man and said nothing. He then picked up another starfish and hurled it into the sea as far as he could. He then looked in the mans eyes and said, "Made a difference to that one…"
"Why adopt?" I guess for us, we feel that it is what we have been called to do. We are being led to share what God has blessed our family with and yet I know in my heart that we will end up being the ones blessed most of all, by the presence of these precious little lives that God has entrusted to us.
I just wanted to share this with you.
May your New Year be filled with love and hope.

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